The Twixtmas Issue — Engaged Reading Time
Revue’s not yet dead, so have another issue!
Astonishingly, I’ve even picked up two subscribers since the last issue - welcome aboard to this newsletter-on-a-dying-platform.
Burn, baby, burn. Musky Inferno…
Artificial grass is evil
Your plastic paradise is killing the planet. Ban this shit now.
(I feel quite strongly about this. You can probably tell.)
Rooting for Twitter to Fail
Would it be that bad if Efron Musty destroys Twitter?
Maybe it's a certain personality type that's more likely to go down this road, but I see it all around; people who are kind and polite in other mediums turn into sarcastic little shits on Twitter.
I’ve seen that happen again and again.

Napoleonic Conspiracy Theories, Unsociable Shabbiness, and More Occupational Hazards of the Second-Hand Book Trade
This is a great extract from the diary of a (real) second-hand bookseller. So good, in fact, that it encouraged me to pick up the first volume of the series, which I DEVOURED in under 48 hours. If you’re a bookish sort, you’ll just love it.
A diary of divorce
This was an unexpected discovery in The Speccie — a moving portrait of grief from someone still struggling through the breakdown of his marriage. Given that the post-Christmas period is typically when divorce rates peak, this might be useful to some…
Photo Corner
Polar Bears in Abandoned Village Wins Nature Photographer of the Year 2022
Some stunning, fascinating images in here. Well worth taking the time (on a bigger screen device) to enjoy.

Drone shots of Hamilton Palace in Uckfield offer fresh glimpse of half-built estate bigger than Buckingham Palace
Lovely, simple story, built on drone journalism, which shows a folly (in both senses of the word) of a the insanely rich. Just imagine being so rich you can afford to build on (literally) palatial scale AND just leave it unfinished.
Weird Al: his most iconic tracks
Yes, I’m a massive Weird Al fan. You should be, too. And this video might make you one.