Engaged Reading Time - Issue #68
Another week. Another day. Another set of great links to distract and engage you.
Allons y!

Pablo Escobar's Cocaine Hippos Are Filling Ecosystem Roles in Colombia That Have Been Vacant for Thousands of Years
This is a weird tale of how a crime lord’s vanity exotic animals have filled an ecosystems niche - with some surprising benefits.
On Wild Swimming and Anxiety
An inspiring tale of anxiety, swimming, blogging and following in the footsteps of a pioneers.
It’s nearly enough to have me heading to the sea for my daily exercise. But not quite.
The sea here is *cold* in March.
(Lovely video in the article, too.)
4 Cups a Day: 4 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking That Much Coffee
Two cups aren’t enough, research suggests. I have to drink more than that. Have to.