Engaged Reading Time - Issue #57
So. Much. Happening.
All interesting, though. So, let's get on with the links.
Lead Story

A New Class Of Angry Partisan Facebook Pages Are Dominating The Online War In The British General Election
Well, it was inevitable. And, if you're in the UK and on Facebook and Twitter, you're probably already aware of this.
What's notable is that, while this space had been dominated by hyperpartisan pages from Left (in the UK, at least), the Right are back in the game — and winning it.
Sobering reading in the build up to a general election.
Five for Work
Americans favor getting news on mobile devices over desktops and laptops
You probably knew this already, but it's nice to see it quantified in such a clear way. Journalism sometimes struggles with remembering how important mobile is, simply because most journalists sit a desks, looking at computers…
People Find Us Troll-Free Compared to Twitter: Mastodon Founder
Mastodon is an open-source social network that could be described at Twitter, if it had stuck to open web principles. This interview reads rather like glimpse into the utopian timeline where all social networks did that, rather than the dystopian one that we're trapped in right now.
YouTube’s homepage redesign focuses on usability, giving you control over recommendations
It's becoming increasingly clear that YouTube's algorithm is just as much of a hot mess as Facebook's - and possible even more powerful at radicalising people.
Russians use VKontakte for humour, not for news
Only a minority (14.7 per cent) of the users of Russian social media website VKontakte follow a news page. So, Russia's own home-grown networks are less prone to the sort of interference that the West's networks are…
Isabel Hilton: what the UK can learn from China's Discourse War
You're probably aware of Russia's global misinformation work. But how about China? Isable Hilton delivered the James Cameron Memorial Lecture last week - and it was eye-opening.
One from me.
Two for play
Europe's largest green wall "will absorb eight tonnes of pollution annually" in London
This is cool. I hope that our current climate crisis will lead to many more innovations like this - literally and figuratively greener cities.
Horace Goes Copyright Striking
A glimpse into the work of retro gaming, where copyright fights over old (and, frankly, crappy) video game characters are a huge issue, unleashing waves of Twitter trolls and YouTube strikes…
Senior Content and Audience Engagement Manager - TED Conferences LLC - Career Page
Apply to Senior Content and Audience Engagement Manager at TED Conferences LLC in New York, NY.
Audience Engagement Editor, Quanta Magazine job with Simons Foundation
Audience Engagement Editor, Quanta Magazine in New York , Experienced (Non-Manager), News & Journalism, Marketing & Communications with Simons Foundation. Apply Today.
Last Chance
newsrewired booking information
News:rewired is always a good conference. But this week's edition looks like a particularly special one - and there are a few tickets left.
You have until the end of the day to grab them…
(Sadly, you've missed the package with my audience engagement course - it's sold out. 😇)
Photo chaser
I'm hoping to get a member newsletter out in the morning, if I can before the all day course starts. Otherwise, I'll see you all on Wednesday.