Engaged Reading Time - Issue #37
Big week coming up. I'm off to the launch of the 2019 Digital News Report on Wednesday (which means a hideously early train to London…). I'm also giving a talk about audience engagement to a bunch of Finnish journalists that day, which should be fun.
Oh, and my current crop of Interactive Journalism students will be submitting their final projects this week, which means, too soon, I'll be saying goodbye to them. How fast they grow up… 😥
(More seriously, they've been a talented year. If you're looking to hire… you know where I am, and I'll point you the right way.)
Here are today's links culled from the exciting world of audience engagement and digital community.
Do let me know what you think…
The Dark Saga of Katie Bouman
This is a form of brigading in action. A news story hits, and a community that gathers online dislikes an aspect of it. This is how they go about trying to discredit it.
Substack expands its subscription platform with discussion threads
This is a rather lovely feature that tempts me to move Engaged Reading Time over there. Anyone up for a conversation about it? :-)
Inside Vox Media’s podcast strategy
Vox Media has launched over 150 podcasts on topics that include technology, politics, and sports. This is how they're making them work.

How do you reach young audiences? These local newsrooms and Mizzou grads will experiment on Instagram
It's pretty clear that, if you want to recruit new, young readers (and who doesn't? There's a big problem with an ageing audience…) you need to find ways of taking yourself into the digital spaces they inhabit. This seems worth watching.
A tweet
This is an interesting (but tantalisingly abbreviated) look at how the Washington Post structures its newsroom:
A long read
The Undercover Fascist
This is a compelling read about how one young englishman was radicalised into a far right group — and what caused him to turn around and betray it. Compelling stuff, particularly if you're interested in the underbelly of online community.