Commonplace Reading - Issue #20
It's the New Year Resolution hangover issue!
It's week two back at work for many, but effectively week one for me. I've been on childcare for much of the early part of the year, as my wife pushes towards getting a big piece of work finished.
It's given me more time than usual to start thinking about how I want to shape my work in the coming months - and you'll find some of that reflected below.
I hope you enjoy it - and, as always, feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts.
Happy New Year, all.
Pay Attention!
Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read
The problem with the web, and business model and "fake news" is actually - us. So, here's your New Years Resolution: find ways of getting your content without supping it all from the Facebook pipe…
The year we wanted the internet to be smaller
If you want an example of how that might work - well, here's some great examples of how people are starting to flee from Big Social Media and find productive relationships in more niche — and strange — spaces.
Facebook is the out-of-town supermarket of the web, so let's learn to browse local
And here's my take on the subject - what can we do to stop Facebook monopolising attention?
Politics and productivity
Why religion is not going away and science will not destroy it
This is a headline which does disservice to the piece. The underlying narrative is that science is under siege in parts of the world, and that a narrative that always posits that science and faith are incompatible robs science of valuable allies in times of crisis. And there's some good historical perspective. A good challenging read.
A Burnt-Out Case
Talking of religion, here's some thoughts about what we can learn about burn-out from what looks like a spectacular case of it in one of the greatest theologians who ever lived.
The Science Behind Why We Should Never Work From Bed
So — get up, get dressed and dodge the bed (but the sofa might be OK…)
Just plain interesting
The Complicated Legacy Of A Panda Who Was Really Good At Sex
This was a gripping long-read about how a single stud of a panda has reshaped the whole breeding effort for pandas - and why that could be a problem. Take the time for it. You won't regret it.
A Real 'Very Stable Genius' Doesn't Call Himself One - The Atlantic
Can't think why this has suddenly become relevant… 😇
The Pursuit of Minimalism
Another good read on the reality of minimalism as an approach to life, rather than as an aesthetic statement. I'm thinking a lot about this as my house slowly fills with children's clutter…